DeepWars Game Cards – Fortune Hunters
This is a set of Tarot-sized game cards for the Fortune Hunter force. These cards are for DeepWars Version 2.5, and have rules information for Special Abilities, Weapons, Armor and Special Items. The pack includes:
AMG DW1001 Armored Dive Trooper
AMG DW1002 Marie du Chatelet – Scientist of the Ethers
AMG DW1003 Heavy Support Trooper
AMG DW1004 Breaching Mech Construct
AMG DW1005 Recon Trooper
AMG DW1006 Sea Dog
AMG DW1007 Dr. Heinrich Cornelius, Arcane Researcher
AMG DW1008 Silent Soldier
AMG DW1009 Angus McBain – Fortune Hunter Commander with communications mech card
AMG DW1011 Big Game Hunter
AMG DW1012 Mad Inventor
AMG DW1013 Templar Shadow Slayer
AMG DW1016 Medical Officer
AMG DW1018 Ironbelly Klegg – Sea Dog Captain
AMG_DW1019 Templar Sentinel of Light
AMG_DW1020 Combat Engineer