Pledge Manager & Late Pledges
The Kickstarter project, DeepWars – Sunken Citadel, with Lv427-Designs has been funded successfully! Backers can upgrade their pledge and late backers can join in using the Paypal payment buttons set up below. There are three main sections with payment buttons, Existing Backer Upgrades, Late Pledges and Add-ons.

Late Pledges
New backers can take the Late Pledge options below to get the same rewards as shown on the kickstarter project page. Shipping for Boxed sets is not included and is calculated by weight through USPS at the time of shipment. Payment will be taken care of through Paypal before the shipment goes out.
There are four main pledge levels to choose from for Late Pledges
Adventurer – $50: This pledge includes the digital print&play version of the Sunken Citadel tabletop game. It has STL files for the Breach Team, Invaders and Wild Creatures, 4 printable maps of the station as well as printable PDF rules, game cards, rulers and markers. There are 30 STL models to start, with stretch goals adding to the haul. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks.
Vanguard – $110: Backers get a physical boxed set of the Sunken Citadel tabletop game. This includes pre-printed resin miniatures: 4 Breach Team Fortune Hunters and 12 Invaders and wild creatures as well as the rulebook, maps, markers, dice and cards, everything needed to play. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks.
Breach Commander – $125: This pledge is for a digital print&play version of the Sunken Citadel tabletop game along with 3D STL files for the map. It includes all of the STL miniature files from the Adventurer level and also includes STL scenic map tiles by All unlocked stretch goals add to this pledge level. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks.
Admiral – $200: This pledge everything from the Vanguard level and the Breach Commander level. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks and free STL warbands for the Scaly Horde and Ancients of Atalan.
Late PledgeChoose the pledge level from the pull-down menu. |
Existing Backer Upgrades
Existing backers can upgrade their pledges to higher pledge levels. Choose the button for your pledge level. The amount needed to the upgrade is shown in the pull-down menu.
Basic Level $1Select the upgrade level from the pull-down menu. |
Adventurer Level $40Select the upgrade level from the pull-down menu. |
Vanguard Level $85Select the upgrade level from the pull-down menu. |
Breach Commander Level $100Select the upgrade level from the pull-down menu. |
Any backer can choose to add items from the add-ons list, with STL and pre-printed resin and some cast resin as possible choices. Add-on pledges are made via paypal by pressing the “Pledge” button below and paying the amount needed for all of the add-ons. AntiMatter Games will then email the backer to work out the list of items.
If a backer chooses to add pre-printed models to the pledge, there will be an additional shipping cost. We calculate the costs through USPS at the time of shipment and it is paid through Paypal before the shipment goes out.
Add the total amount to the pledge window to the left. In the notes section you can put in the items you want. We will contact you after the pledge to finalize the list of items. |
Digital Add-on Choices
- DeepWars Full Rulebook and Blood Reef Supplement (PDF) $5 (Free for Backers at Adventurer Level and up)

- Scaly Horde Warband $5 (Free for Backers at Admiral Level)

- Ancients of Atalan Warband $5 (Free for Backers at Admiral Level)

- Dark Mariners Warband $5

- Nereid Warband $5

- Wild Creature Pack $30

Sea Goblin Shooter Pack $10

Underwater Scenery Pack $30

Full Darkstar Rift Deluxe Digital Print and Play Version $70. Includes Fortune Hunter and Nereid warbands miniatures and all creatures and scenery above. To see full contents click on this link or the picture below.

Pre-Printed Miniature Add-ons
Backers can choose to add miniatures pre-printed in resin. Pre-printed rewards will be printed and shipped by July, 2023. Shipping of pre-printed items is handled outside the kickstarter project and calculated based on weight per country.
Miniatures will come with protective packaging and a game card with statistics. Click the image below for a larger picture.

Miniature Back Catalog – Special Deal
Backers from Kickstarter or late backers that send us a copy of a proof of purchase of DeepWars or ShadowSea items from Dark Sword will get FREE Add-ons STL or PDF files worth 50% of their order with Dark Sword (excluding shipping). For example, an order with Dark Sword of $100 before shipping gets $50 in free STL or PDF add-ons here. These backers also get 15% off any pre-printed add-on. Contact us for more information.